907DLXS Getzen 907DLX Trumpet Eterna Deluxe, Lacquered, Sterling Silver Leadpipe
907DLXS Getzen 907DLX Trumpet Eterna Deluxe, Lacquered, Sterling Silver Leadpipe
Created for use by professional musicians of any playing style. A bell and mouthpipe combination handcrafted for that full, controlled, yet sparkling tone desired in an all-purpose trumpet. The ideal choice of artists demanding the utmost quality and flexibility from themselves and their trumpets.
Bore: .460″, Slides: Hand lapped nickel silver, Mouthpipe: Sterling silver, Bell: 4¾” sheet & sheet yellow brass, Intonation Aids: First slide ring, fixed third slide ring, Mouthpiece: 7C Trumpet, Special Features: Solid bronze valve section, art deco bell engraving, lever waterkeys, Finish: Clear lacquer or bright silver plate
**The total does not include shipping and taxes, which will be calculated and added at the conclusion of this transaction.**